How to overcome gloomy days

You think more, you will thank more.

Appreciate the small things in life. Big doors are supported by small hinges that are not so visible.

We are mortal beings that go through the pendulums of life. There are those days when everything is rosy and we are up in the moon…our joy is even infectious.. then the gray day sets in and we are as gray as the sky. Sullen moods and inexplicable attitude take a toll on us. Why is it an uphill task to maintain the bubbly and jovial attitude in turbulent times?

How do you beat those grey days?

Be grateful

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Gratitude is the best medicine. It heals your mind, your body and your spirit and attracts more things to be grateful for. Shift your attention from what you do not have and focus on what you have. Better still, crack it down to the least.

You have a roof over your head, it doesn’t matter the type of roof…at least you are not out in the cold. There is food on the table, so many have gone without food for days. Others do not have the strength to have a meal due to their nature of sickness..You have shoes on your feet and are able to walk. There are those who would trade anything to be on their feet. You have both eyes to see the beauty in God’s world. You have both your hands( with all fingers) to touch and to hold. You have all your facial features in their place that makes you a lovable person and others see you as beautiful or handsome. Did I forget to mention you have you teeth in place that makes your smile complete? And they help chew your food so you won’t choke? Seriously… If you break down organ per organ, you will be amazed that you are so blessed to be stressed.

Take a trip to the health centers and you will be shocked to learn of some very rare conditions that you din’t know existed. That simple process that you take as normal will be a miracle to another person. Let’s say the respiratory process.. You are able to breath naturally? Thank God. Someone is paying to have that air inhaled through tubes. Others have heart and lung conditions that make breathing an up heave job.

Then there is the digestion process.When you are struggling with what to take in your next meal in terms of preference, another person is lamenting on how to go through another tide of indigestion from the previous meal. So many medication to just ensure a meal is properly digested. Think about that next time you start complaining about your meals.

Enjoy the small things, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things.

How about our mental state? Thank God you are able to read and write and comprehend what is happening around you. The fact that you can hear, smell, see, touch and see are enough reasons to be grateful and to rise above whatever tide life has thrown your way. The struggles end when gratitude begins.

I have just mentioned a few but I am sure you can add to the list. Your job or business,you have a family who care about you, friends and loved ones that brighten your life. Be grateful for them.

Gratitude turns what we have into enough or more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and a vision for tomorrow – Melody Beattie

There is always…always and again I say always a reason to be thankful for.Cheers to a new lease of life of gratitude!!!