
Love, Love, Love

It’s a profound mystery

Photo by Aiony Haust on Unsplash

It was a beautiful warm Saturday morning and I was so engrossed in the general cleaning of the house. Great music was playing in the background that made me enjoy the duty.Then this particular song plays and stops me on my tracks.“Love like there is no such thing as a broken heart”by Old Dominion.

Here is a pull out..

“….How did my mom and my dad ever do it?
If there was struggles then we never knew it
I guess they had each other, that was enough….You know you can’t keep the ground from shaking, no matter how hard you try
You can’t keep the sunsets from fading, you gotta treat your life like
You’re jumping off a rope swing maybe’cause the whole thing’s really just a shot in the dark
You gotta love like there’s no such thing as a broken heart
You gotta love like there’s no such thing as a broken heart

You bet that got me thinking,I had to listen to it again and again. The beats were captivating and so were the voices.My mind went on high drive,mmmmhhh..You gotta love like there’s no such thing as a broken heart.Seriously,what’s the alternative?

This life is so short to spend it wallowing in self pity and hate. I agree,we all have gone through pretty messed up breakups but that does not negate the fact that love is stronger than any other force in the world.I mean,how do you explain how two strangers meet and they turn each other’s world “upside down?” like the words of MichaeI Bolton :

“…When a man loves a woman
Can’t keep his mind on nothin’ else
He’d trade the world
For a good thing he’s found
If she is bad, he can’t see it
She can do no wrong
Turn his back on his best friend
If he puts her down…When a man loves a woman
Spend his very last dime
Trying to hold on to what he needs
He’d give up all his comforts
And sleep out in the rain
If she said that’s the way
It ought to be

I chuckle when I listen to some lines above..I like listening to love songs just to understand love better..There are millions of love songs that have been sang by great legends to explain it,many poems have also been written to unearth the deep meaning of love.It’s really a twisted thing…(I don’t have a better term) but Wikipedia description has it as:

Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection and to the simplest pleasure.

Urban dictionary describes it as “A feeling that goes beyond almost all sense of physicality. To love is to feel such a strong feeling for another that you can understand them in a way few can. Their very existence is a gift and treasurerather they are with you or not. The merethought of them fills you with a deep hope for both the world and yourself.” …Now that is tough and tender at the same time.

Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

I am enjoying this journey called life.Its one enjoyable ride when there is the mystery of love to demystify. Join in the ride and let us live and fill this life with love and laughter..the world needs that and we owe it to ourselves.

And to crown it all,God created us out of His deep love for us.His love super-cedes every other kind of love.

How To Know It Is Time

We have all been there….That unsettling feeling that you have overstayed… in a relationship, a job, a career, a neighborhood, that situation…. you can no longer ignore the high pitch voice in your head that change is the only option you have.

So, how do you know that it is time to take that bold move and CHANGE?

You know it is time when you feel like you are constantly hitting your head against a stone wall. When you have explored all options but still… nothing. When no amount of effort is changing the situation to your favour. You try all your knowledge to make the situation better but the results are the same. You end up stressed, worked up, very irritable and feels like huffing up a mountain.

When you wake up everyday and when you think of the situation, all your energy levels take a spiral curve downward. You feel tired all the time, droopy and all psyche sapped up. That’s an indicator that it is time for change. You cannot afford to go on like that. You need to take charge and get your groove back. Do not let your whole self sink into depression because of that which requires you to change. Most times our bodies communicate so well that it is time for change. Listen to the inner voice. Your gut never lies.

You know it is time for change when you lose interest in the activities that you would otherwise look forward to. That daily physical exercise, meeting up with friends over coffee, when that hobby suddenly becomes an uphill task… It is time for change. If you don’t take charge now, you will look back and see you have become a shadow of your former self. Press the pause button in your life and change course before it is too late.

So, now that you know it is time, what next?

There will be a myriad of emotions; raging from excitement, regret, self doubt, fear of the unknown and emptiness. One assurance that will see you through the dark days is that you made the right decision.

CHANGE was the only OPTION.

It is time to move on… Whatever you were thinking while reading this, just know that it is going to be okay. Keep one foot in front of the other and before you know it, you will have made so much desirable progress.

One of the most courageous decisions you will ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul.. ..Brigitte Nicole

Be proud of who you are and who you are changing to become. Pat yourself on the back when you take those baby steps and achieve those small milestones. Take it like reading an interesting book, you keep turning on the pages…

Tap and drink from the fountain of grace of letting go and the strength of moving on to untold joy and newness. Let go of the shores to experience the thrills of the deep seas. You will love it!

May God grant you the desires of your heart as you place your hand in His and enjoy that sweet walk to untold joy and freedom in Him!!!

Make The Best Memories Of Your Life

There is something about growing old…

I have realized that the older I get, the more peace I want than drama, and the more life I want to put into everyday moments. At this pace, life is now so precious so a lot has to be put in place to make it worthwhile. I have come to understand that there are people struggling to live. With the onset of the Covid 19 pandemic, life is no longer the way it used to be. Who would have thought masks would be part of our daily attire and that your health depended on it covering your nose and mouth?

The usual handshakes that would signify a “ glad to see you” would be a deadly act if carried out? Some of us used to wash our hands only when about to take a meal but now our hands have to in 100% free of germs. Been apart from the next person is deemed the safest option now. We do not have to be constantly reminded that if we don’t exercise the healthy protocols that are put in place, the grave will be our next abode in a matter of days.

Indeed it is told that necessity is the mother of all innovation. Many business opportunities have sprouted since the pandemic and to some it has presented as a blessing in disguise.

I believe each one of us has a story to tell of what the pandemic has taught us. But one thing is certain: life is no longer as it used to be. There are rich memories that we have, of our loved ones who have passed on, of the changed livelihoods and the personal experience of staring death at the face.

Yesterday was the tomorrow that was anticipated today. Make every moment count before it becomes a memory.

What are you doing to make the moments count? What are you filling in the basket of memories? How would you like to be remembered? What legacy do you want to leave behind long after you join your loved ones?

Such provoking questions should spur us to invest in ourselves and make this world a better place than we found it. One thing amongst many others that God in His wisdom hid from us is to have a clue on when we will exit this life. I guess if we knew it we would do things and live differently. But since we do not, we have to take one day at a time and do the best while at it. No need to toil and struggle every passing day then exit without leaving a legacy that those behind can emulate.

Live,Love and Laugh.

Make every moment count.

Do not carry grudges.

Let go of everything that is against your personal happiness.Walk away from negativity and those who suffocate your space with negative energy. You are responsible for your own happiness and those around you will be benefactors of the same.

We need to take each day as a gift and make it count. God is the source of life and to Him we should strive to return in peace. Oh how sweet and peaceful it is to have peace in God, Peace with God and to have the Peace of God.

Cheers to life filled life!!!!

The Power of Silence

There is a hidden something behind those sealed lips….

And it is not dumbness, as in stupidity . But so much goes on in the brain of those who seal off and become mum for sometime.

They have mastered the art of knowing when to speak, how to speak and what to speak.

They only talk if they have to.

A seed grows with no sound, but a tree falls with huge noise.

Destruction has noise, but creation is quiet.

This is the power of silence.

Grow silently.

The coins make the most noise but the notes? none and if any, it is like a soft breeze on a tired face.

Sometimes it’s better to just let things be, let people go, don’t fight for closure, don’t ask for explanations, don’t chase answers and don’t expect people to understand where you are coming from.

You can always tell how important something is to the degree of silence involved.

How about incorporating silence in our already loud and hectic lives? It is beautiful to just sit in silence and listen to the inner you. You will be amazed at how much wealth you have beneath the noise. A warning though… It is an addiction albeit a good one!!!!

Photo by Alessandra Caretto on Unsplash

Jesus the Prince of peace practiced this too…“Once again Jesus went out beside the lake.” (Mark 2:13)

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” (Mark 1:35)

  • There is no need to go to India or anywhere else to find peace. You will find that deep place of silence right in your room, your garden or even your bathtub. — Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
  • I have found out in the course of a long public life that the things I did not say never hurt me. — Calvin Coolidge

God give us the wisdom to know the power behind peaceful silence.

How to overcome gloomy days

You think more, you will thank more.

Appreciate the small things in life. Big doors are supported by small hinges that are not so visible.

We are mortal beings that go through the pendulums of life. There are those days when everything is rosy and we are up in the moon…our joy is even infectious.. then the gray day sets in and we are as gray as the sky. Sullen moods and inexplicable attitude take a toll on us. Why is it an uphill task to maintain the bubbly and jovial attitude in turbulent times?

How do you beat those grey days?

Be grateful

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Gratitude is the best medicine. It heals your mind, your body and your spirit and attracts more things to be grateful for. Shift your attention from what you do not have and focus on what you have. Better still, crack it down to the least.

You have a roof over your head, it doesn’t matter the type of roof…at least you are not out in the cold. There is food on the table, so many have gone without food for days. Others do not have the strength to have a meal due to their nature of sickness..You have shoes on your feet and are able to walk. There are those who would trade anything to be on their feet. You have both eyes to see the beauty in God’s world. You have both your hands( with all fingers) to touch and to hold. You have all your facial features in their place that makes you a lovable person and others see you as beautiful or handsome. Did I forget to mention you have you teeth in place that makes your smile complete? And they help chew your food so you won’t choke? Seriously… If you break down organ per organ, you will be amazed that you are so blessed to be stressed.

Take a trip to the health centers and you will be shocked to learn of some very rare conditions that you din’t know existed. That simple process that you take as normal will be a miracle to another person. Let’s say the respiratory process.. You are able to breath naturally? Thank God. Someone is paying to have that air inhaled through tubes. Others have heart and lung conditions that make breathing an up heave job.

Then there is the digestion process.When you are struggling with what to take in your next meal in terms of preference, another person is lamenting on how to go through another tide of indigestion from the previous meal. So many medication to just ensure a meal is properly digested. Think about that next time you start complaining about your meals.

Enjoy the small things, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things.

How about our mental state? Thank God you are able to read and write and comprehend what is happening around you. The fact that you can hear, smell, see, touch and see are enough reasons to be grateful and to rise above whatever tide life has thrown your way. The struggles end when gratitude begins.

I have just mentioned a few but I am sure you can add to the list. Your job or business,you have a family who care about you, friends and loved ones that brighten your life. Be grateful for them.

Gratitude turns what we have into enough or more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and a vision for tomorrow – Melody Beattie

There is always…always and again I say always a reason to be thankful for.Cheers to a new lease of life of gratitude!!!

When You Are Told You Are Not Good Enough…

But their standards do not define who you are.

We all have experienced those moments..

You know you have done your best, only to be shoved aside and told that was the worst expectation from you…Seriously???

I have been there, and it really sucks….Big time!!!

The first reaction is to sink so down in self pity and swear you will never ever attempt again….whatever the task. The feeling is that of despair and losing hope. It’s the worst feeling ever..It is normal to feel that way but you shouldn’t dwell there. Rise up,dust yourself and move on.Your value does not diminish as a result of someone else failure to see it.

The successful people who have made it in life have a resounding remark that they never stayed down, even when the odds were against them. Just to cite a few, Oprah Winfrey was told she wasn’t good enough for television and was actually demoted.Today? She is living her dream because she refused stay down. Albert Einstein was told by his teacher that he wouldn’t amount to much,he too did not consent to that remark but proved the teacher wrong. He rose to be one of the greatest physicist in history. Abraham in the Bible was a stammerer but God used him to deliver the Israelites from slavery.

The vision is in you and those who shoot it down do so because they cannot see it. Run with it and don’t you dare let other voices silence you.

Likewise do not be an instrument of pulling others down through your remarks. It is better to say nothing at all than to say something negative to someone who has set his dreams high .

You are stronger than you think. You have what it takes to succeed in whatever you set your mind on. You never know — you might be this close to success, but because you gave up, you missed out on it. Most importantly, challenges and setbacks are a part of life — how you tackle them and move ahead is what matters.

Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine. ~ Jack Ma

Photo by Robert Baker on Unsplash

A single defeat in one area does not mean a final defeat. It is not yet over until God says it is over. Every day you open your eyes to a new day, realize that there is a lot of you needed in this life to make a difference. If it were not so, you would be six feet under.

You shouldn’t give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about- Winston Churchill.

So rise up and try again, because you are smarter this time.

Photo by Eunice De Guzman on Unsplash

You will make it!!!!

What is your name?

Because It has a special meaning and purpose attached to it.

There is a special feeling that comes over me when someone calls out my name. And no, I didn’t acquire it recently, but every time I hear someone call me “Lidya,” I get that distinctive feeling… a feeling of identity, a sense of belonging, and a sparkle of life…and my response is “yes my name..” It’s like there is a special nerve that is triggered that makes me turn at the mention of my name. I believe it is the same case to you.

There are many or few people who have the same name as yours.. but the feeling is unique when someone addresses you with your name specifically. I am used to talking with my friend over coffee but when she mentions my name in the conversation, it sparks something in me and you bet she gets my full attention henceforth.

I believe your parents didn’t pick your name at random.There must have been some elimination process until they settled on one. Regardless of what influenced their choice: it could have been the culture, religion or they just liked the pronunciation.. Whatever the reason, you were given a name and it depicts your nature in so many ways.

I challenge you to carry out your research on the meaning behind your name. Because for sure there is. If you were named after a particular person in your family lineage, check out the traits that affect you positively and embrace them. If negative,negate and renounce them.

There are some who do not like their names for whatever reasons and if given the chance they would change them. Actually some go ahead and change later on in life. If it is for the good, by all means do.

Embrace you beautiful name and make the best out of it. Strive to endevour that you will leave a legacy attached to your name that many generations later, it will be emulated.

Regardless of your name, you are a unique being who has the potential to make your name great, powerful, loving and all that you want to be in life.

Cheers to all the Lidyas’ out there!!!

Celebrate your unique name…God knows you by your name.

Life Lessons

Voyager of freedom

I have hurt and I have been hurt. I have loved with all my heart and I have been loved. I have lost and I have been lost. I have laughed…I have cried…I have yelled…I have thrown things…I have made the most of each moment and I have wasted time…I have thrown myself into things that I was not ready for and I have waited too long to jump on the train of opportunity. But all in all…I have learned and still learning.

There are days when I feel impatient with the way my life is going and I feel angry or frustrated. Yes my career is not going the way I planned and my job is not satisfying, yes I have financial problems, and yes caring for others can be tiring sometimes and I can’t find time for myself. I need to learn how to be patient. Sometimes the…

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It Could Have Been Worse

The Silver Lining Beneath Every Cloud

Photo by Christian Joudrey on Unsplash

We all have been on that place in life where anything that could go wrong did.You know, the day you wake up and all hell break loose on you. From waking up late,to missing your appointment,spilling every content,breaking whatever you hold with your hand,I mean,the day ends up been a bad hair day. However, the way you react from the first incidence determines the sequence of the day’s occurrences..well…at least to me…

There is always something to be grateful at the end of it all.Though at the moment it doesn’t appear so.Actually,it doesn’t surface until much later.There is a lot that we do not know and we may never know,at least not in this life.May be,just may be that delay or the missed bus,train or flight was a way God used to protect you from a grisly accident..that missed appointment would have been a divine way of God aligning you to a better job offer that would not have realized in any other way.

Some lifelong relationships have been formed from those spilled coffee moments,or those delays at the stations as they waited for their bus,train or flight..Some of the successful entrepreneurs trace their breakthrough from those letters of rejection from prospective employers..

So, regardless of the disappointments that life throws your way,just look up and be grateful that it could have been worse. And that you are fit enough to handle that because something better is on your way.God does close one door without opening another one. But sometimes we are so obsessed with the closed one we miss to see the open one.The best way to deal with the disappointment is to have a self talk and evaluate if there is any other option…can you change it? if yes,by all means do,if not,learn from it and move on.

Photo by Martin Brechtl on Unsplash

Next time you see a real sunset, take a deep look at it and let go of those dull moments and usher in a new season in your life..a better one than your past.

After every heavy downpour,there are rays of sunshine waiting to gush forth their beauty on the creation..Yours is on the way…

Dead End: What next?

You have two options.

Photo by Esther Driehaus on Unsplash

You know that feeling?You have been working so hard and looking forward to progress and it’s just not happening?You have done the best you know how but…..no,there are no results.It feels like you are drilling a hole in a wall using a pencil. Very frustrating!!

What are the options?

  • Giving up ….or……. Letting go

There is a huge difference between the two. Letting go means freeing yourself from something that is no longer serving you. It means removing toxic people and belief systems from your life so that you can make room for relationships and ideas that are conducive to your wellbeing and happiness.

Giving up reduces your life,letting go expands it. Giving up is imprisoning, Letting go is liberating,giving up is self defeat. Letting go is self care.

You have to discern when it’s time to let go. No matter how much you water a seed planted on cement,it can never sprout. Stop wasting your time and energy on something that will never see the light of day. Divert your so much needed energy on the positive and productive ideas that will bring you joy and fulfillment.

So you are at the end of the road, be glad that you have learnt a lot along the way,gather enough courage and let go.There is always a silver lining beneath every cloud..

So the next time you make the decision to release something or someone that is stifling your happiness and growth,and a person has the audacity to accuse you of giving up or being weak,remind yourself of the difference. Remind yourself that you don’t need anyone’s validation of your worth. You deserve the best in this life,in any case you are the one who knows what you have been through and only you know what you want!! It’s your precious life at stake here.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

God has a great future for you..